Rue De-Candolle 9
CH-1205 Genève

Tél: +41 (022) 560 69 69


Team building aims to improve the proper functioning and cohesion of a team, to clarify the roles and responsibilities of its members and to increase the potential of each one, in order to reach a higher level of performance.

Our method, fast and consistent, allows teams to develop the necessary skills to respond effectively to various situations over the long term.

OtherWise9 organizes and directs a tailor-made team building in order to optimize relations between the members of your teams making them more effective, creative and productive.


  • Improve team cohesion and performance
  • Mobilize, motivate, federate
  • Align and commit to goals, values and a shared vision
  • Manage and overcome conflicts
  • Facilitating the stages of transition, change


6 hours spread over a day


French & English

Our Process

  • Identification of strengths and areas for improvement (targeted interviews)
  • Alternation of team work, scenarios, role plays and fun activities
  • Highlighting key components of team dynamics and functioning
  • Identification of motivation levers and strengthening of cohesion
  • Federate around common values, involve everyone
  • Know more about all team members and how to better work together