Rue De-Candolle 9
CH-1205 Genève

Tél: +41 (022) 560 69 69


In order to optimise our support, we use various tools for which we are certified:

INSIGHTS MDI®; MBTI®; Agile Profile®; EQi 2.0 diagnosis.

Find out more about each of these tools:

« Insights »

INSIGHTS MDI® is an assessment tool that allows a better knowledge of oneself and others. It is a method of identifying the preferences, strengths and possible improvement areas of each person.

The analysis of the results leads the person to better understand how they work and interacts with their environment and to adapt their behavior favoring they relational efficiency within their team.

INSIGHTS allows:

  • Recognize and develop own potential
  • Analyse work environment
  • Optimize communication within the team
  • Support organizational development
  • Optimize relationship management between colleagues, customers, partners and suppliers
  • Become aware of one’s strengths, motivations and areas of development

« MBTI »

MBTI®, the most used personality test in the world, brings solutions in personal development and human interaction, a perception and interaction with the world. It shows one’s preferences and motivations. It provides a solid foundation for personal evolution and development.

MBTI allows:

  • To develop managerial skills
  • Change management
  • Optimizing communication
  • Strengthen team cohesion
  • Facilitate internal mobility

« Agile Profile »

L’Agile Profile® makes individuals and teams aware of their ability to implement the three fundamental postures of agility:

  • Anticipation
  • Cooperation
  • Innovation

L’Agile Profile® could be used during a coaching process, a training or a team building. It allows:

  • Developing adaptation capacity
  • Awareness of environment importance

We invite you to watch the following video presentation:

« EQ-i »

Since 1997, the EQi 2.0 (Emotional Quotient Inventory) diagnostic has been the most widely used and recognised EQ test in the world. It was created after seventeen years of research into emotional intelligence by psychologist and scientist Dr Reuven Bar-On.

After completing the questionnaire, a detailed report will be generated, providing an accurate and concrete assessment of your Emotional Quotient (EQ). This analysis will identify your strengths and areas for development, in a professional context. The information obtained will help define concrete development objectives to improve your EQ and gain in performance.

The EQ-i allows you to :

  • Understanding oneself
  • Understanding others
  • Building good relationships
  • Be able to adapt and manage the environment to deal with constraints and obstacles
Emotional Quotient Wheel